DGA Resolution on Control of Groundwater Extractions

July 3, 2019

Lawyers involved

On July 1, 2019 was published, in the Official Journal of the Republic of Chile, Exempt Resolution No. 1,238 / 2019 of the General Water Directorate that “Determines the technical conditions and deadlines at the national level to comply with the obligation to install and maintain a system of monitoring and transmission of effective extractions in the groundwater collection works “.

The aforementioned resolution complements the obligation established by Article 67 of the Water Code, which establishes that holders of exploitation rights, provisional or definitive, granted both in declared zones of prohibition, and in areas of restriction, shall install and maintain a flow measurement system and a system for transmitting the information obtained.

Thus, the resolution of the DGA regulates, among other matters:
• Technical conditions of Extraction Measurement Systems;
• Technical conditions of the Transmission Systems;
• Obligation of the holders to register in the DGA Software for Monitoring Effective Extractions (M.E.E.);
• Periodicity with which measurements and transmissions should be made;
• Deadlines for incumbents to install the measurement and transmission systems, which will be counted from the publication of the corresponding resolution of the corresponding regional DGA, which will determine the standards to be met by the holders of rights to use them. waters according to their respective flows.
• Special regime for those holders of rights to use water that already had been required to control their extractions.

To access a copy of Exempt Resolution No. 1,238 / 2019 click HERE

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